Grok 1 on the market

Grok 1 on the market

A few days ago (November 4, 2023) Elon Musk introduced the Grok, a new AI chatbot created by his company xAI, which is described as “entertaining and rebellious”.

From the published information, we know that Grok was developed in only a two-month training period and is intended to be not only witty but also free from censorship (whatever it means), both in “standard” and “humorous” modes.

How does it stand in comparison to the GPT-4?

The main AI engine is called Grok-1 and, according to xAI, shows an advantage over GPT-3.5 in some tests, though it currently falls short of GPT-4.

Similarly to GPT-4, Grok-1 has a ~8k context length (8,192 tokens).

The cut-off for its internal “knowledge” (the dataset based on Internet resources) is Q3 2023, so this will be also comparable to the GPT-4 turbo release (announced last days).

A unique and fundamental advantage of Grok is that it has real-time knowledge of the world via the 𝕏 platform. It will also answer spicy questions that are rejected by most other AI systems.

What is interesting, Grok has access to current content on the X platform (real-time access), allowing it to discuss current events. Having in mind that X is trying to protect “Twitter” data from being used by other companies, it might be an interesting move.

How to use Grok?

After the beta testing period, it will be made available to all Premium+ subscribers of X (formerly Twitter).

For more details on the model, see the Grok-1 model card:


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